“Town Crier” newsletter – Briefs from the Region (1) – 6/10/20
According to Newsweek, Michael Daus, a Yellowstone National Park visitor, witnessed the North American wildlife interaction of a lifetime on May 31 when he saw a juvenile bison and a grizzly bear squaring off near the Grand Prismatic Overlook Trail. Daus, a Jackson, Wyoming, resident, quickly pulled out his iPhone to film the scene, capturing a video that has since gone viral. “The five-minute film shows the juvenile bison initially charging at the bear, before the bear attacks and appears to kill its opponent on the banks of a river,” Newsweek reports, adding “Grizzly bears in Yellowstone are known to prey on bison, which tend to give birth to calves in late April and early May. Bears and wolves are the only large predators of adult bison in Yellowstone, with dead bison also providing an important source of food for scavengers.” Amazing footage below!