By Mario Carr EBS CONTRIBUTOR On Monday, June 17, the Gallatin River Task Force hosted a public meeting to inform the community of the progress and...
$50 million facility will slash nitrogen output and increase treatment capacity By Jack Reaney ASSOCIATE EDITOR After more than six years of planning, three years of...
Johnson fought hard for the people of Big Sky, its lands and waterways By Jack Reaney ASSOCIATE EDITOR Many who know Steve Johnson, at least since...
Forming a water and sewer district could provide ‘a lot of horsepower to get some things accomplished’ By Jack Reaney ASSOCIATE EDITOR Residents of Big Sky’s...
With new cutting-edge facilities, fast-growing customer base and veteran officials retiring, tomorrow’s water and sewer district will prioritize professionalism and high standards By Jack Reaney ASSOCIATE...
Looks forward to playing outside, unconfined by the rigid schedule of a 53-year career By Jack Reaney ASSOCIATE EDITOR Marlene Kennedy calls her retirement “kind of...
Ninth Circuit affirms that water and sewer district’s underdrain does not pollute Gallatin; reverses the dismissal of claims against Boyne By Jack Reaney ASSOCIATE EDITOR On...
Water and sewer district officials say fats, oils and grease from the kitchen could affect new WRRF By Jack Reaney ASSOCIATE EDITOR In preparation for an...
Five speedy panels summarize current challenges, future initiatives and needs across full spectrum of Big Sky organizations By Jack Reaney ASSOCIATE EDITOR It was staged for...
Big Sky’s foremost water superintendent shares lessons learned from five decades in Big Sky By Jack Reaney ASSOCIATE EDITOR On Aug. 30, a swath of community...