Dear adventure seeker,
The Rocky Mountain West is a playground for bikers, hikers, climbers, fishermen (and women), skiers and snowboarders. But we have to get to the trailhead or mountain, and we need to get there safely. The following points will allow you to enjoy successful road adventures and inspire you to be a legendary road hero in your own right.
1. Wet wipes
Keep a package of wipes in the car: passengers can be messy and stuff invariably explodes. These will also save you peace of mind when rest stops appear questionable. #PortableSanitation
2. Blanket
I always have a blanket in my car. My spouse and I differ on our preference of climate control and a blanket keeps our relationship cozy. It’s also key to have in the winter if your vehicle breaks down. A blanket can clean up unexpected messes or serve as groundcover for picnics and stargazing. Folded up, it also makes for a great passenger pillow or fashioned into a skirt or toga for an extra layer. #ThreeCheersForTheBlanket
3. Tow strap
A tow strap will get your rig or a fellow traveler’s vehicle safely off the road, out of a ditch or a snow bank. In less obvious ways, you can use it with the above blanket to fashion that stay-put toga. #FashionAdventures #GreatMasculineStockingStuffer
4. Portable battery pack and jumper cables
In college when I found my car battery dead, I would push my Volkswagen Bug on the driver’s side with the door open and when getting enough momentum, pop the clutch. It worked like a charm. Currently, I doubt I could push any of the vehicles we own (#NotACrossFitWarrior). With a portable battery pack, not only will you come out triumphant when you have a dead battery (#KidsLeavingDoorsOpen), but save other travelers along the way (#Hero). These packs often have USB plugs where your precious mobile devices can be rejuvenated too. #AdventuresWithElectronics.
5. Kitty litter
I’m not suggesting you bring a box for felines on the road, but kitty litter can ease the journey in other ways: gain traction on icy roads, soak up oil spills, or absorb the smell of the wet river shoes in the trunk. Kitty litter is super-handy. #WhoKnew #theNewDuctTape
6. Grub
We need food. Attitudes need food. Adventures can be a positive experience or a grueling one and I’m of the mind that delightful road snackage tips the scale to a more delightful experience. I learned this the hard way; please use my wisdom. #RelationshipCounseling #DietDrPepper #Jerky #AntiHangry
I hope these ideas spark your adventurous spirit. Only you can make that spark and get out there and go. Get on your adventure. If you need the right mobility unit, let your friends at Legend Driven Rocky Mountain Yeti help you out. We make it easy and fun. #RockyMountainYeti.Group #BoringSucks #LegendDriven
Rocky Mountain Yeti strives to ignite the adventure spirit and power your adventures through new and used vehicles. Come see why #BoringSucks at Rocky Mountain Yeti where legendary service is not a myth and is our ultimate goal at all of the locations through Wyoming.