On Sunday evening, Feb. 23, a snowmobiler and their juvenile child called Gallatin County 911 at 7:06 p.m. requesting help after becoming stuck off the Buck Ridge Trail in Big Sky.
The snowmobiler had ventured off the trail between mile markers six and 10, and stated they had no injuries and were dressed for the weather, but needed support as darkness fell and their cell phone battery was low. Volunteers responded from the Big Sky section of Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue, locating the stranded pair and building a fire for them as volunteers retrieved the stuck snowmobile, according to a Feb. 24 GCSSAR press release.
GCSSAR volunteers escorted the individuals back to the trailhead where they determined the pair needed no further assistance.

“Gallatin County Sheriff Dan Springer would like to commend the volunteers of GCSSAR who put their valuable skillsets and, at times, lives on the line to assist those in need. The sacrifice and time these volunteers put in to help those in need across Gallatin County is truly something special,” the press release stated.
Springer also reminded outdoor recreationists to always have enough supplies, clothing, and food to stay comfortable while waiting for rescue.