On the night of Feb. 19, at 6 p.m., Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue dispatch received a 911 text from two snowmobilers stuck in the backcountry, unsure of where they were located. Four volunteers from the Big Sky section of GCSSAR were dispatched to Sunlight Basin south of Big Sky in the Taylor Fork area, where the victims sent their distressed text. SAR personnel were able to follow the snowmobilers’ tracks to their location. Volunteers provided medical care to one member on-site.
According to GCSSAR Commander Patrol Captain Matt Boxmeyer, the snow conditions were too poor to ride out from the rescue location, so the rescue crew made the decision to stay overnight and reassess in the morning. On the morning of Feb. 20, with unimproved conditions, GCSSAR deployed its helicopter rescue team and was able to get everyone out by 10:30 a.m.

In a Feb. 21 phone call with EBS, Captain Boxmeyer emphasized the importance of backcountry safety, including knowledge of the current avalanche danger, avalanche gear, a partner, as well as gear for an overnight stay, should that be necessary.
“Make sure that you’re partnered up in the backcountry, that people know where you’re at, making sure you have a way to communicate when you’re in the backcountry,” Boxmeyer said. “We always try and remind people that [you should] experience the backcountry within your known skill level.”
Stay tuned for more coverage from Explore Big Sky about the local Search and Rescue efforts, especially involving short-haul helicopter missions.