The Big Sky Resort Area District board will hold a special meeting for detailed discussion of potential debt projects on Thursday, Jan. 2 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Big Sky Chapel community room, to ensure adequate space for public attendance.
The board agreed on Dec. 5 to hold the additional public meeting in early January, and urged the public to attend to learn more about potential debt commitments that BSRAD may bring to voters in May 2025.
More information, including the meeting agenda and link for virtual attendance, is available on BSRAD’s website.
“Public comment is encouraged… All comments received are public record and will be publicly available. Comments on social media WILL NOT be accepted as public comment,” the website states, adding guidelines for submitting public comment.
The special meeting was scheduled a week ahead of BSRAD’s regular board meeting on Thursday, Jan. 9, to allow the board to stay on schedule for a potential ballot measure. If the board decides in early January to bring a bond package to voters, the ballot language must be finalized and submitted by early February.