By Chris Davis Staff Writer
I’m relatively new to Montana, and in my time here I’ve met surprisingly few true “locals.” This is due, I think, to the fact that the true locals spend their free time far out in the mountains and only emerge during ski season.
I’m in true awe of many Montanans’ desire to put their bodies to the test. I can identify with that desire, and it’s the number one reason why I moved here. Even when I was a flatlander I was pushing how far I could bike and run at every possible opportunity.
In 2010, as I was preparing for my first fixed-gear century cycling ride, my brother recommended only two things to me before he wrote me off as being an idiot for attempting 100 miles without breaks or the (novel) ability to stop pedaling. Those two things were Hammer Gel and BodyGlide.
Since that time I carry only a few things in my bike’s saddlebag: two tubes, the necessary tools, and a sufficient number of servings of Hammer Gel. I’ve tried other gels, but I don’t intend on straying from Hammer again. You won’t feel like a super human when you use it; you’ll feel like yourself, without cramps and with a clear head.
In fact, I look forward to the suggested one to two servings an hour during extended bike rides—a shot of flavor does quite a bit for me to get excited and refocused.
They’re made with high-quality and effective ingredients, taste really delicious, and are made in Montana, where people really get after it hard.
Hammer Gel is available in nine flavors. My favorite flavor is probably apple cinnamon, because try as I might, I can’t get too far away from my apple-growing flatland roots.