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Observing microbes as ‘canaries in a cold mine’

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BOZEMAN – What can the study of microbes living in cold temperature environments tell us about the physical limits of life? Dr. Christine Foreman, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Montana State University, will offers insights into this question in the fourth virtual presentation of the Winter/Spring 2021 Science Inquiry Series.  

The talk will be presented online via Zoom on Wednesday, April 14, at 7 pm, sponsored by the Gallatin Valley Friends of the Sciences and co-sponsored by the non-profit community service organization Hopa Mountain and the Museum of the Rockies.

The series explores cutting edge science topics, their latest developments and their relevance to society through speaker presentations followed by questions from the audience. The talks are free to the public.

Foreman holds a Ph.D. in biology from the University of Toledo. Her MSU research group in the Center for Biofilm Engineering studies life in icy environments, including Antarctica and Greenland, and her research focuses on microbial life in cold environments. She has been a member of two National Academy of Science-National Research Council Committees, serves on the United States Ice Core Working Group, and is a steering committee member for NASA’s Network for Ocean Worlds and Network for Life Detection. Foreman is also Associate Dean for Student Success in the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering.

The Zoom presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer period via the Zoom chat function; the event will last approximately an hour.

To access the Zoom link for the talk, go to the Gallatin Valley Friends of the Sciences web site at

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