FWP Wire Services
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is
requesting comments on two proposed
rule changes, one that would
allow nonresident falconers to capture
raptors in Montana, and another
to align regulation of raptor propagation
with new federal rules.
Montana was one of only a few states
that forbid nonresident falconers
from capturing birds until the
Montana Legislature eliminated the
restriction in 2011. FWP has proposed
a quota of three raptors and a
$200 capture fee.
In revising regulations to comply
with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, FWP would increase the
licensing period for raptor propagators.
Having captive bred birds
available for falconry reduces the take
of wild raptors for the sport. Today,
15 people have the state and federal
licenses necessary to breed and raise
raptors in Montana.
Comments due by Dec. 30. Email to:
bmoe@mt.gov or by mail to: Falconry,
P.O. Box 200701, Helena, M.T,