Town Crier “Briefs from the Region” (2) – 2/2/21
Violent moose encounters are not incredibly common, but moose are known for being territorial, especially when they’re surprised. Two men, both in their 70s, found out the hard way on Jan. 27 when they startled a bull moose along the Jack Creek Trail east of Ennis, the it charged them. One man ducked behind a tree and the other hid underneath a fallen tree while the moose kicked and charged him. Finally, the hiker behind the tree successfully drove the moose away. The injured man was treated at Madison Valley Medical Center for injuries that were not life threatening, according to Fish Wildlife and Parks. “Moose can be defensive and dangerous in surprise close encounters with people,” FWP said in a Feb. 1 press release. They issued the following recommendations for those in moose territory:
- Be aware of your surroundings and be especially careful around creeks and in areas with dense brush.
- Travel in groups whenever possible and make casual noise to alert animals to your presence.
- If you encounter a moose, give it lots of space and don’t approach it.
- Keep dogs under control at all times.
- If a moose charges or chases you, take cover behind something solid, such as a tree.