BIG SKY — This winter, guests will arrive at the spectacular new Lone Peak Tram top terminal at 11,166 feet, the highest scenic overlook in Montana.
The structural work on the new top terminal is complete and rope pulling is underway, linking the top terminal to the bottom terminal via the haul rope and four track cables over a 2,142-foot vertical rise.

Under the structure lies 23 micropiles reaching 50-70 feet into the rock, connecting to the concrete slab, which supports a load of 270,000 pounds. Over the course of two summers, construction teams have poured over 1,300 cubic yards of concrete, installed six tie-back anchors, and placed 114 metric tons of steel at the top terminal.

“The structural completion of the top terminal is a major milestone two years in the making,” Chad Wilson, the resort’s vice president of construction, said.