To the Editor:
A study has been going on to find solutions to deal with the water quality in the Gallatin River and aquifer for drinking. My first thought was: How are the results of this study going to benefit me by costing me money?
After much research, though, I believe we have been given a gift of the 1 percent for infrastructure to improve the quality of life for every Big Sky resident. If passed, we can expand the capacity of the current sewer system and solve effluent issues by building a pipeline to the canyon. This pipeline will allow for additional homes to be built for workers.
Whether you want more visitors to Big Sky or not, I think the secret is out about our beautiful destination which means expansion of Big Sky services is necessary. However, after these current issues are solved, there will still remain the same sewer problems in the canyon and another community subdivision that will need 1 percent funding to solve.
I was told this would mean another vote by the constituents. Voting “yes” in a few years to help solve the additional Big Sky sewer issues would mean the upgraded sewer district would need to rescue these older septic systems, which are causing nitrogen contamination in the river and aquifer. But by doing so, we would have a clean river that we all can enjoy and clean drinking water for the entire community, a Big Sky win from mountaintop to river’s edge.
Lori Wetzel
Big Sky