By Wes Overvold EBS Staff
In the world of engineering and manufacturing, three ideals define a perfect product: strong, efficient and inexpensive. In reality, we’re often afforded just two of these ideals. Achieving all three is what those inventors scribbling on graph paper fantasize about.
TitanStraps, based out of Bozeman, has achieved this nearly impossible triple crown, advertising the easy-to-use straps as the ultimate replacement for bungee cords, spools of twine, wire, and any other manner of securing loads to vehicle racks. They’re designed simply, made of high quality materials, and affordable. And are now they’re available in 14-, 18- and 25-inch “Super Straps.”
TitanStraps will steadily find their way into all sorts of everyday uses: Around the garage, on top of the car, floating down the river, at the trailhead, or on the ski slopes, the multi-length straps can replace and outperform whatever securing technique you typically use.
Scrap tying knots and lose the bungee cords; and you should’ve never used tape in the first place. TitanStraps were born for these jobs.
Super Straps: 14-inch – $7.50; 18-inch – $8; 25-inch – 8.50
Original TitanStrap (25 inches) – $9.50