When art meets conservation
By Mira Brody EBS STAFF
BOZEMAN – Out of Africa In Montana Gallery in Bozeman specializes in collections of sporting, falconry, African and North American wildlife, and Western Fine Art. Gallery owner Skip Tubbs supports conservation efforts. These two elements are no coincidence. Upon entry, you’ll be faced with beautiful pieces from worldwide artists such as Simon Combs, Bob Kuhn and Julie Jeppsen. Just as many visitors to the area come to Montana to experience the presence of wildlife, visitors to the gallery will be graced with the same force of presence among their likenesses.
In addition to impressive pieces at their location on 1050 E. Main St., Out of Africa In Montana Gallery is currently displaying art pieces “A Brush with the Wild, An Exhibit of Sporting and Wildlife Art” at the Bozeman Art Museum. The exhibit is ton display through July 10 and is sponsored by Ducks Unlimited, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Wild Sheep Foundation to raise awareness about Montana conservation efforts.
“The conservation groups are excited to support the art that shows what they’re trying to support and preserve,” said gallery manager Patty Boyd. “Without the conservation dollars that the hunter provide a lot of these habitats aren’t going to be able to be conserved.”
The gallery’s roots began 40 years ago in 1980 as Artist Union Editions, a framing shop in the Downtowner Mall on Willson Avenue, then later as Framework Designs when they moved to Main Street in 1982. Around 1983, the frame shop began representing original print and etching artists in small art shows to benefit wildlife conservation efforts in the area. Tubbs’ travels to Africa inspired him to begin representing African artwork, and in the mid 1990s, the Out of Africa In Montana Gallery took shape as a separate entity.
The gallery, separated off from the Framework Designs Custom Framing business, opened a location in Bridger Peaks Town Center off of 19th Avenue until finally separating completely in 2005, and since 2007, Out of Africa In Montana Gallery has been serving art lovers from their location on East Main Street.
It was truly a gallery operation born out of passion, says Boyd, who joined as manager about a year and a half ago. Over the decades, customers have trusted Out of Africa In Montana Gallery to provide quality work and artists have trusted them to represent them.
Out of Africa In Montana Gallery will be joining the Big Sky Art Auction for the second time this summer, providing an eclectic variety of pieces including a Navajo rug and modern paintings. The gallery is currently open by appointment—you can visit their website for more information.
“I’m excited,” Boyd said. “I want quality work in there for the bidder to choose from, I want the artist to be supported doing what they’re born to do, and I also want the auction to win because I want the auction to continue every year.”
Out of Africa In Montana Gallery will be featured at this year’s Big Sky Art Auction from July 16 through 18. Visit bigskyartauction.com for more information.