By Maria Wyllie
Explore Big Sky Associate Editor
BIG SKY – The Big Sky community is celebrating Independence Day with live music, fireworks and a community fundraising event for the whole family.
The Big Sky Community Corp.’s Parks Committee is hosting its sixth annual July Fourth celebration at the community park, bringing Big Sky together for a day of fun and affordable activities.
The event kicks off at 8:30 a.m. with a 5K run/walk and activities including a fly-casting clinic, as well as tennis, basketball, kickball, and disc golf tournaments throughout the day. A barbecue lunch and dunk tank will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. A few of this year’s “dunkees” include locals Jean Palmer, Joe Miller, Jason Meyers, Kelly Scherfig, Brad Johnson, Dave McCune and EBS Managing Editor Joe O’Connor.
The celebration will also include an obstacle course for kids and adults, a skate park jam, homerun derby for men and women, and a softball game to finish the day. All proceeds from the event’s various activities will go to support BSCC.
Nine-piece rhythm and blues/funk band Freddy Pink is also returning to Big Sky for its fifth consecutive year to play as a part of the Arts Council of Big Sky’s free summer concert series, Music in the Mountains. Located at Town Center Stage, the concert will begin at 7 p.m. and close with a fireworks show.
For more information about BSCC’s community fundraiser visit, contact the BSCC office at (406) 993-2112, or call Krista Mach at (406) 600-1039.