Town Crier “Briefs from the Region” (2) – 7/9/20
The Custer Gallatin National Forest today released a 25-page report outlining its plans for 2020 forest management. The report addresses the forest’s key role in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, the role it plays in American Indian Nations including their sacred and cultural ties to the landscape, and provides direction on the integration of bison. It also highlights additional wilderness, backcountry, recreation and grazing areas. Decisions reached in the report were a joint effort with the public, stakeholders and tribal governments.
“We’re pleased the Forest Service has recognized the importance of conserving the Madisons and Gallatins,” says Emily Cleveland, senior field director at Montana Wilderness Association in a July 9 press release. “These places are some of the wildest areas near Bozeman and play a key role in supporting wildlife, clean water and outdoor recreation.”