Adding healthier, balanced food choices
to menus will curb the cravings for the
foods we know aren’t the best
We all have cravings. They are not a
major health concern, but they do
affect our lives. Cravings are there for
a reason, and they can lead to
other health issues. By deconstructing
our cravings we can better
understand what our bodies need.
Whether we realize it or not, the
body is always moving toward a state
of homeostasis – or balance.
What do you crave? Sweet, salty,
spicy, creamy, cold, crunchy, hard,
dry or moist? These are all hints as to
what’s going on. Again, there are no
accidents in what we’re craving.
When and why? Notice the time of
day and what’s going on in your life
when you crave something. What
you discover might surprise you.
The problem: Cravings can be
repeated, non-nutritious choices,
such as caffeine, sweets and processed
snacks. They are a quick fix, hit the
bloodstream hard, and over time do
us damage both physiologically and
emotionally. Most of us live on-the-go lifestyles, so it’s difficult to
make healthy snack or meal choices
when those cravings creep up.
The solution: Keep nutrient-dense,
whole food choices on-hand. Balancing foods such as fruits, veggies, nuts/
seeds and leafy greens generally do
not create cravings. They are complete
on their own.
Making mindful nutritious choices
will create healthy eating patterns
and a good relationship with food.
Slowing down to chew food makes a
world of a difference. Remember, our
bodies want to be in balance and
run efficiently.
Victoria Bentley is the
Owner and Director
of Bentley Bodies, a
premiere mind-body-
wellness boutique
committed to healthy
lifestyle choices. Locations are in Big Sky and Bozeman.