BOZEMAN – Bridger Canyon Road remains closed to the public from Boylan Road to Brackett Creek. This includes bikers and runners. Effective Thursday, Sept. 10 at 10 a.m., the entirety Bridger Canyon Road will be open for residents only.
Residents should stay off the roads from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to allow for fire crews to travel the roads. When on Bridger Canyon Road, drive slowly for everybody’s safety.
We ask residents to go directly to their homes. This is not a time to visit your neighbors or have friends, extended family, or construction crews come to your residences. It is still an active fire zone and fire teams are still working.
The objective is to keep the road clear for firefighting efforts. Any extra traffic only hinders the progress. Residents need to stay out of their way. In the active fire zone, residents can expect to see smoke and flames. Do not call 911. They can notify fire personnel in the area if they are around, but they are aware of the situation.
In areas where homes have been destroyed and may have ignited propane tanks venting, do not approach and do not put them out! Residents are also advised not to stay in that area and to collect what they need and leave.
Avoid spending time in any area that has been burned, even on your own property. Many hazards exist including burnt trees that are highly unstable and dangerous.
We really value our relationship with our citizens. We greatly appreciate your support and cooperation. We know how important it is for you to get home to your residences. Help us help you get into and stay in your residences by following these rules.
For more information, check the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page or call 2-1-1.