Among the many summer happenings in Big Sky is the first Big Sky Rodeo, an unprecedented event that will take place in the Big Sky Events Arena on Friday, July 19 at 7 p.m. Produced by Outlaw Partners and Freestone Productions in collaboration with Montana State University, this rodeo is unlike any other to trot through Big Sky.
The event aims to bring education and entertainment together in a community-minded evening of family fun. Attendees will watch some of the finest up-and-coming rodeo athletes from the Bobcat Rodeo Team perform as well as inform on rodeo disciplines such as bareback riding, barrel racing, team roping and more.
Each rodeo event will wrap up with four athletes competing in a shoot-out competition. In addition to all the high-intensity action, classic mutton bustin’ will add to the amusement, along with junior rodeo athletes riding miniature bucking stock.
Anyone well acquainted with the PBR knows the voice of Matt West, one of the biggest personalities in all of western sports. West will bring extensive experience in rodeo events as well as character as he announces the Big Sky Rodeo.
Andy Watson, owner of Freestone Productions, expressed his excitement as a co-producer of the event: “It will be a one-of-a-kind educational experience about the sport of rodeo along with an action-packed fun evening.”
While providing an educational experience, the rodeo athletes will also compete for a chance at the $500,000 World Champions Rodeo Alliance Rodeo Finals.
“Giving this kind of opportunity to these kids in front of fans makes our job just that much more exciting,” Watson said.
Visit bigskycommunityrodeo.com to purchase tickets, which can be purchased for adults and children at $35 and $15, respectively, either online at or at the event.