We have been so very thankful for the outpouring of support already seen from the Big Sky community. We have all confidence that we’ll be able to meet the needs of our friends and neighbors in Big Sky.
To help to slow the transmission of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, the Big Sky Community Food Bank will be taking the following precautionary measures:
- PRE-PACKED FOOD BOXES – BSCFB will be altering the service delivery model to increase social distancing for the health and safety of customers, volunteers, and staff. Beginning on Tuesday, March 17th we will be implementing a pick up for pre-packed food boxes which include a set menu for at least a week’s supply for your household. Households will be allowed to pick up TWICE each month. The lobby will be closed to the general public. At this time, there will be NO substitutions but please know WE HAVE PLENTY OF FOOD.
- EXPANDED HOURS – Until such a time as it becomes unnecessary, Big Sky Food Bank will expand our service hours by two additional days. We will now be open 3-7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 a.m. through 3 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays.
- DRIVE-UP SERVICE – If you are in need of food, please visit the Big Sky Food Bank between 3-7 Tuesday & Thursday, 11-3 Wednesday & Friday. Be prepared to accept your food box by driving up to the patio area in front of the food bank, under the awning. Check-in will be a part of the drive-through service. This process should be quick.
- HOME DELIVERY FRIDAYS – Those quarantined, self-quarantined, and/or of suspicious health status will be allowed to order a food box dropped off to their home. Food box drops to homes will be done on FRIDAYS – we will leave the box outside your door and will not make any other contact with you.
- VOUCHERS – We will be offering vouchers for produce, dairy and household necessities at local grocery stores. The parameters of this voucher will be forthcoming.
- FOR VOLUNTEERS – If you are a volunteer, we will have workgroups to prepare food boxes Mondays at 4:30. WE CURRENTLY HAVE PLENTY OF VOLUNTEERS, should that change we will only accept new volunteers on a pre-screening basis. We will practice social distancing, hand washing and everyone will be asked to wear gloves. Please only volunteer if you are healthy. If you have a compromised immune system please stay home.
- FOR DONORS – If you are a donor, yes we need help. The easiest way to help now is to DONATE ONLINE.
These precautions will be in place until the leadership of our organization, informed by experts, feel it is prudent to resume normal programming. Further information will be provided via our Facebook and web pages as our community navigates this situation together. Thank you for your ongoing support!
We are happy to note that the Big Sky School District will be continuing to provide school lunches to students and community. Details will be forthcoming as they develop.
Be well and stay healthy!