Town Crier “Briefs from the Region” (1) – 10/1/15/20
On Thursday, Nov. 12, the Emerson Center for the Arts and Culture and the Kimpton Armory Hotel are partnering for a special, free Quick Draws and Cocktails event and auction. Attendees will be able to join in online for a make-along cocktail, view art from local artists as it is created and bid on finished artworks. Each work of art will be paired with a room stay at the Armory and dinner and drink voucher for the hotel’s restaurant, Fieldings. Featured artists include: Will Hunter, DG House, Hannah Uhde, Trevor Nelson, LeeAnn Ramey, Kathy Burk, Ole Nelson, Jason Baide of the Gem Gallery and Vicki Fish. To register, contact or call (406) 587-9797 ext.106.