Explorebigsky.com Contributor Max Lowe has been visited many concerts and music festivals this summer in between stops at his home base in Bozeman. This week he’s headed to Summer Set in Somerset, Wisc., something he anticipates will be “without doubt the grand finale.” Lowe is planning a story about the festival experience for the Sept. 7 Big Sky Weekly, and wanted to share the following thoughts before he took off:
And thus we look east to the rising sun, preparing for the impending dazzle and awe of Summer Set Music Festival. With the talent and pizzazz of Headlining bands Pretty Lights, Umphrey’s Mcgee and Big Gigantic, this jamboree means to please.
If you’re going already then you might know about the three-day lineup of back-to-back banger shows, from bands such as Nas with his intricate and beat-laden hip hop tracks, or Matt and Kim with their poppy and energetic dance numbers. You might also know about the exclusive after parties each night, featuring bands from the venue, or the cacophony of partygoers and artists bringing with them a live graffiti wall, dancers and body painting.
Wandering from show to show you might expect to see a merry band of gypsies or a roving crew of womp pirates. If you’re not going; well, then you shouldn’t be wasting time sitting around, and you best get on the road because the raucous starts on Friday.