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Bill allowing firearms on campus passes

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Town Crier “Briefs from the Region” (1) – 1/14/21

Currently, carrying firearms is prohibited in certain public spaces, such as on university campuses, certain federal buildings and some places where alcohol is sold. The Montana House Committee, with Republicans unanimously in favor, yesterday endorsed House Bill 102 that would reverse some of these restrictions, including allowing students and other citizens to carry on campus. Other exceptions include prisons, federally owned buildings, military bases, courtrooms and schools—anywhere where guns are not explicitly prohibited by law. According to supporters of the bill, it is intended to “enhance the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.”

“The reality of a good guy with a gun stopping an attack is a thing,” said Rep. Seth Berglee of Joliet, Montana, a supporter of the bill. “I would challenge any member of this body to find me a mass shooting where the shooter was engaged by an individual with a firearm and then continued on to kill multiple people. It doesn’t exist.”

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