HELENA – The Montana Department of Labor & Industry has been alerted to reports of criminals using text messages in a phishing attempt. This attack asks claimants to click on a link to fix an error on their Unemployment Insurance claim. DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK. These texts are not coming from UI, all electronic correspondence from UI will come from addresses that end in
The only claimants who receive text messages from UI are Pandemic Unemployment Assistance claimants who have opted to receive text updates on the status of their claim. Those text messages will direct PUA claimants to their accounts at DLI does not use text messages to regular UI or PEUC claimants.
Here’s a quick list on what to do if receive a suspicious text:
1. Don’t click the link. Don’t call the number.
2. Don’t respond.
3. Block the number on your phone.
4. Delete the text so you accidentally don’t open the link later.