In the five years since the Affordable Care Act was enacted, more than 16 million Americans now have health insurance. The presidential candidates are split: one wants to expand it, the other would scrap it completely. With insurance premiums forecast to rise dramatically next year, what’s the solution?
Kara Blodgett Gallatin Gateway, Montana
“I don’t think the government should be involved in our healthcare. I appreciate the government trying to facilitate us all being part of the healthcare system, but I don’t think it’s worked.”
“Put a leash on the pharmaceutical companies and the insurance companies. Making them compete is not the answer because they’re in bed together to some extent … just like the airlines.”
“I think that the United States government should have nothing to do with your healthcare. It says in our Constitution [for our government] to provide defense and promote welfare, never to provide it … If we wanted insurance you’d have it, but now we have to pay for it … Now we all owe money even if we don’t want it.”
Samantha Weiffenbach Big Sky, Montana
“I’ve always been fortunate enough that my health insurance has always been provided by my employers. I think it’s unfortunate we have one candidate that completely wants to scrap [the Affordable Care Act], when a lot of people benefit from it. But not being a business owner myself, I don’t truly know the cost to business owners. I think if Hillary can expand it in a way that pleases more business owners it’s a good thing.”