LIVINGSTON – On Aug. 1, Katabatic Brewing Co. and Neptune’s Brewery are sponsoring a homebrew contest at this year’s Park County Fair.
Since President Jimmy Carter legalized the practice in 1979, small-scale beer brewing at home has become a Montana tradition. In a region with numerous breweries and a strong craft beer industry, many people continue to be inspired to practice the trade on their own, experimenting with recipes and homebrewing in their kitchens and garages.
This year, members of Livingston’s brewing industry want to test out the fruits of these labors and offer homebrewers an opportunity to win prizes and learn more about how to improve their batches.
Participants must live in Park, Sweetgrass or Gallatin counties to be eligible to register for the competition. Homebrewers can submit up to four different beers across the following categories: Pale/IPA, Dark Colored Beer, Light Colored Beer, Specialty Beer, or Lager. First, second and third place prizes will be awarded in each of the five categories.
The fair will also feature a beer garden from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. while the homebrews are being judged. “The idea for the homebrew competition was to add a new category for competition [at the fair] as well as to increase attendance during judging with the beer garden,” said Brice Jones, co-owner of Katabatic Brewing.
Visit katabaticbrewing.com or call (406) 333-2855 to register for the homebrew competition.