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The show of the summer: July 1

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Save the Date for Willy Wonka Junior

By Abigail Hogan

All kids who love to act or perform auditioned
in May for Big Sky Broadway.
The camp ensemble will be performing
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate
Factory this summer; our two weeks
of practice/camp start on June 20 and
the performance is July 1. The auditions
were in May to allow kids time to
memorize their parts and songs before
the two-week crunch time. All parts
have now been cast, but you’ll have to
see the show to know who’s who!
Directed by John Zirkle and musical
director Klaudia Kosiak, this year’s
Big Sky Broadway will be a complete
show—not just a few songs like last
year. During the two-week camp, kids
will learn the script, practice the play,
make the costumes and finally perform
the show at Big Sky Resort. The camp
is now full at 25 kids, but if you have a
desire to help behind the scenes (with
make-up, costumes, set construction)
we’d love to have you.
It will be two weeks’ worth of fun and
learning how to act and dance, but remember
that it’s not all fun and games,
and we need to work hard to complete
the play so we can perform.
Putting on a Broadway production is
expensive, says Barbara Rowley, who
helps produce the camp and show. She
is looking for small donations—$50 to
$100—to cover the cost of professional
musicians, costumes and the set. She
also coordinates volunteers. Contact
her at
In return for your donation or volunteering,
you’ll get your name in the
program, a free ticket to the show, and a
chocolate bar.
I hope you can come and or support
this show. We will work hard to practice
and perform so you will all enjoy
the show.
There are many parts to play in Charlie
and The Chocolate Factory, including
Willy Wonka, Grandpa Joe, Charlie
Bucket, Mr. Salt, Veruca Salt, Mr.
Beauregarde,Violet Beauregarde, Mrs.
Teevee, Mike Teevee, Mrs. Gloop,
Augusts Gloop, Mrs. Bucket, Mr. Slugworth,
Grandma Georgina, Henrietta
Salt, Mr. Gloop, Grandma Josephine,
Grandpa George, and the Oompa
Loompas, of course.
The show will be at 6 p.m. on Friday,
July 1 in the Big Sky Ballroom at Big
Sky Resort. Tickets are $5.00 each, sold
at the door.
Send donations in an envelope with
your name and address to the following
address: Big Sky Community
Corporation RE: Big Sky Broadway
P.O. box 161404 Big Sky MT 59716.

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