HELENA – A record number of candidates filed online this year, according to Secretary of State and Chief Elections Officer Linda McCulloch.
Although candidates identifying with a qualified political party in Montana had to file for office by March 10 to be eligible for the Primary Election, write-in candidates have until 5 p.m. on April 25 to file for the June 3 Primary Election. Independent, Minor Party and Indigent candidates have until 5 p.m. on May 27 to submit signed petitions to their county election administrator.
Some voters will be in different districts this fall, because the 2013 legislature altered the districts for a number of counties including Gallatin due to changes in population. Registered voters can visit the “My Voter Page” to find out if their district has changed.
That webpage also has polling place information, maps to polling places, a sample ballot, absentee ballot tracking, as well as “a lot of other really cool stuff,” according to Terri McKoy from the Secretary of State’s office.
Find a link to a map of the voter districts here: http://leg.mt.gov/content/Committees/Interim/2011-2012/Districting/Maps/Adopted-Plan/Maps/13leg0003-poster-size-final-map.pdf