This year, 27 organizations requested $7,029,121 of resort tax support, and the Big Sky Resort Area District tax board has $7,271,591 to appropriate.
Which projects or organizations are most deserving of funding in your opinion?
Alissa Levert
Big Sky, Montana
“I don’t think Morningstar should get so much money because not everyone in Big Sky has kids. The free transportation is awesome but it needs to be more limited, and they pay [Skyline] too much. The hockey rink is awesome—keep going with it. The idea of a [recreation] center for everybody with the hockey rink in the winter would be great.”
David Reeves
Big Sky, Montana
“Big Sky Community Housing Trust. We are in a housing crisis and we need to address that immediately. We keep creating more and more jobs in this town and less and less housing. … I think it’s hugely important and it’s been an ongoing thing for years now.”
Josh Berry
Big Sky, Montana
“I would say the Gallatin River Task Force. I’m a fly-fishing guide and I know the value of a clean, healthy river. I think they do a good job of keeping the river healthy for all of us to keep enjoying it.”
Mariya Provost
Big Sky, Montana
“I think more paved bike paths [and] if they could use resort tax to subsidize housing that would be great.”