March brought unseasonably warm temperatures to Big Sky. How has an early spring affected you personally or professionally?
Andrew Schreiner
Co-owner, Grizzly Outfitters
“Ski sales have slowed down a little bit, but that’s understandable; it’s the end of the season. The warmth has jump-started people getting excited about golf and biking and trail running and camping and all of the fun things that [people do in warmer weather].”
Amy Langmaid
Owner, Rhinestone Cowgirl
“Personally, it has let me get outside more and start running and walking, which is awesome, but it has cut down on my ski time. Business has dropped off more quickly than in previous years but that could also be because last year Easter fell in late March and this year it falls mid-April.”
Tim Drain
General Manager, Vacation Big Sky
“Honestly, our bookings right now haven’t slowed down too much because a lot of our bookings are made well in advance. [People] are still [staying in Big Sky]. It’s just basically filling that extra time with whatever other adventures we can find for them.”
Sally Fisher
Co-owner, Lone Peak Cinema
“It’s helped our business. More people are seeing movies because skiing hasn’t been as good. Personally, I wish winter would return, and return now rather than in June.”