Earth Day is celebrated each year on April 22.
What environmentally friendly practices have you adopted in your daily life?

Barbara Rupp
Big Sky, Montana
“Probably the most important thing we try to do is recycle. However, it is difficult here, particularly with the glass. I find us throwing away a whole lot of glass, and I just hate to see that.”
Jacob Glynn
Big Sky, Montana
“I try to reduce the amount of plastic I use … like bringing silverware somewhere if you know they only give [you] plastic silverware, like Chipotle. It’s great to just bring chopsticks or something like that. At the end of the day though, I think there’s a lot of more environmentally friendly practices that … myself and the Earth could benefit from me doing.”
Paula Alexander
Four Corners, Montana
“I’m driving around with a big bag of glass in the back of my car, trying to find a place to recycle it. I usually drive it over to my friend’s house because she pays for glass recycling.”
Brian Van Eps
Big Sky, Montana
“With our [Big Sky Fellowship] church we have a section of the highway that we clean, and on the 22nd for Earth Day, we as a church are cleaning up that section of highway. … I’m [also] really involved with the Gallatin River Task Force and emceed their fly fishing festival last summer. … . I help out with different events that they have and [river] cleanups.”